Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My Little Pony and Day 9

Day 09- Any injuries that occurred from riding
I've had a few along the way... 
There was the time that Albert fell over while I was riding him and crushed my hand.  Or the time that Dusty flipped over and crushed my leg.  Or when my old instructor made me try a kimberwick on her and she very nearly took my jaw off.  Abby once chipped my tooth.  And then all of the regular lumps and bumps that come from falling.
Then there were the more serious injuries... Abby ripping the ligaments in my ankle when we were cross-country schooling and miss Dee with the piece de resistance of concussion and possibly torn rotator cuff (still haven't had it checked).

In other news, today Dee did what might have been the best canter work of her life going to the left (complete with totally respectable downward transition), and I just finished watching the 1986 My Little Pony Movie.  I don't care what anyone says.  I still love it.

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