So, I was speaking with bettina about Dee's lyme, and we got onto the subject of probiotics. I've generally just used ProBios, but she suggested a few other possible solutions:
E-Biotic - A shake-on probiotic that, if I did my calculations correctly, would last for a few months.
Yogurt (!) Now, this is an interesting concept and might be worth looking into, but last time I checked, Yogurt wasn't cheap. I buy greek yogurt for myself all the time, and I'll tell you, its a bit pricey. So, while this might work, I don't think I want to spend huge amounts of money on a probiotic when I'll already be spending huge sums on all the doxy Dee will need.
An acidophilus supplement from the health food store. These actually seem to be fairly cheap, but cracking open a capsule every day would be a hassle.
Just food for thought.
Day 02 - Your least favourite song -
"I want it That Way" by The Backstreet Boys
My neighbors used to blast this song at full volume on repeat all summer long... ugh.
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