So I just registered for next semester classes (sort of/mostly), and upon discussing what I need in order to graduate with ms. Baker, we decided that I was going to need six classes. Sort of a drag for my final semester, but she had an idea. She suggested that I do the EQU363 class, which is called Advanced Horsemanship, but is really just an independent study. I thought, gee, that's all well and good, but what does that mean? exactly? It means that Dee gets to be my class project, apparently! Still lost? Let me explain...
Basically, this summer I will set a goal and keep a training log for Dee, taking pictures and videos to document her progress. Once I've gathered up all the information, I'll make it into a full paper and video presentation. Fun! Class credit for playing with my horse!
So now, the big question: what ARE my goals? I want to keep them pretty loose, but here we go, my goals up until the start of school:
1. Get Dee's canter to be balanced, and get the correct lead on the first try most of the time.
2. Start over fences
So how am I going to achieve this? Through lessons with Nancy, Steph and Bettina, hopefully!
This week has been a good one for Dee and I. Tuesday, she spent most of our ride pretending to be a giraffe, but after a million walk/trot transitions, she finally began doing this absolutely beautiful stretchy trot... I was amazed! She was long, low, forward and totally balanced. We achieved this for the equivalent of 4 times around the ring, so I just quit, telling her what a wonderful mare she is. Wednesday I was running terribly late and didn't get a chance to ride. Yesterday was more transition work.. yay. Her transitions really aren't terrible. She's very sensitive to the seat, both from walk to halt and trot to walk. She was pretty good overall... didn't get the same amount of fabulous stretchy trot, but we did get some, so I was pleased. If it's not pouring this afternoon, I'll be riding her again, otherwise she may have to wait until tomorrow or sunday.
I am also happy to report that she has suddenly decided that getting her butt curried is the BEST THING EVER. However, she shows this by leaning into the curry comb, which eventually ends up with her butt against the wall and me struggling to reach it and yelling at her to move over. As to the mystery gray situation... she has a WHOLE lot of it, especially right around the point of the hip and the butt. There's less on her back and neck, but there is some. What a weirdo... it will be interesting to see what color my horse is this summer!
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