Friday, March 21, 2014

Here be Dragons

A few days ago, the elastic stirrup fell off of my left half chap.  No big deal, I thought.  Today, the shoelace of my left paddock boot broke in half as I tried to tighten it.  Ok, I'll just wear my field boots today, then, I thought.  The zipper of my right boot is broken, apparently.  Well, at least they are field boots.  Ten minutes later, I had the lace removed from the offending field boot and set about putting it into the paddock boot.  Oh yeah, and my favorite breaches are starting to get worn through.  Needless to say, after all the things that went wrong, I didn't have high hopes for my lesson today. 

When we started, it felt more like I was riding an untamed, vengeful dragon than a mare who is, despite what she would have people believe, actually broke.  

I think this is what she imagines herself as, sometimes.
When, approximately 10 minutes into the lesson, she responded to my "go forward now" demand by belligerently launching herself into the air like the ground was suddenly made of lava, J suggested that the lunge line might be a good idea.  I agreed.  On went the side reins, and Dee proceeded to be a complete turd for the next 15 minutes or so.  Finally, she started to listen and behave, and after probably a half hour (maybe more) on the lunge doing transitions and being reminded that she was not a dragon, I got back on.  Lo and behold, I had a real live horse under me again, and after a few minutes J even commented that she was quite lovely.  So, success! (?)  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy,

    I am an equestrian novelist soon to release my new racing romance, Share and Share Alike, and was hoping you might consider reviewing it on your site. Drop me a message if you’re interested.

    Best wishes,

    Hannah Hooton
