Thursday, October 20, 2011

Doing Well

Dee is doing really well. I got a quick update from L, and apparently she and H are getting along splendidly and plan to start jump lessons together soon. Apparently, H went along with L for her jump lesson, watched the whole thing and said "Dee can do this!" Of COURSE she can! I think the two of them will have a blast together, because if there's one thing maresy-poo is great at, it's jumping.

I'm not sure where October's gone, but before I know it, I'll be home for the holidays, and will hopefully get to visit Dee!

ps. I just so happen to be watching Good Morning America right now. Did anyone else hear about what happened in Ohio? With all of the animals escaping from the preserve? I am so disturbed that they killed all of those poor animals who were just terrified and acting on instincts. Eighteen Bengal tigers were murdered. That kind of carnage just seems excessive. So sad.


  1. I read about that too. I am trying to justify it in my head because I read that they attempted to tranquilize them (veterinarians did) and it did NOTHING other than piss them off more and cause them to attack people. :( But none of this would have happened if that looney didn't have more money than he needed and was able to buy the poor animals in the first place and then basically keep them barely fed. Sick B*stard!

  2. I heard that about the tranq's, too... apparently they tried to tranq one of the tigers and it almost killed the vet. Apparently, the nearest zoo also didn't have ENOUGH tranqs for the number of animals loose.
    I guess the only good thing to come out of this is that at least one state [ohio] and hopefully more, will start taking a hard look at their laws.
