Monday, September 6, 2010

Viva Las Vegas!

Ok, so I haven't updated in a WHILE, but I also haven't had any updates to make, since I've been on a much needed vacation. I started out in Las Vegas, and then after I got home, spent a very nice 3 day stint with my father and brother at the Rock n Roll hall of fame. Needless to say, the mare's been a little neglected.
Today she's officially back to work, although for a moment, I thought that might not be the case. She had a puffy knee (from a small cut) and was VERY sensitive when I picked at it to see if it was a nick or some sort of puncture. She was being a squirrelly jerk about letting me look at it, but I was 99% sure it was just a cut. Needless to say, I was convinced that she would be hopping lame (or at least slightly off) on it.
When I got her up to the ring for our lounge session, we had a brief spook fest at the shiny silver ribbons still adorning the fence from the barn owner's daughter's wedding on Saturday, but she got over it and got to work. To my GREAT surprise, she looked AWESOME. I don't think I've ever seen that mare trot with so much suspension... she's pretty fancy when she wants to be. I did about a half hour with her, and she was pretty well behaved (only one or two attempts to go galloping off), doing lots of trot - canter transitions.
The knee was still a bit puffy after I worked her, but considering that she was 100% sound on it, I'm not too worried. She DOES seem to swell up at the smallest nick (is that a thoroughbred thing? Tango was the same way).
Now that she's back in work, and I'm about to start school, I'll have regular updates.

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