Seriously? How cute is she? We got a little wet yesterday, and Dee wore the towel for a little while. How is it that she'll let me throw a towel over her face, but she gets mad when I put a blanket on her? And speaking of blankets, her sheet now barely fits her! Not too thrilled about that, especially since I'm pretty sure it's a size 82 and my midweight is smaller... I'll have to try that on her one of these days. We might be in the market for a new midweight.
Yesterday's ride was sort of a bust. We walked around for a little while, did a little trotting and then the heavens opened up. In .2 seconds we were both drenched, so I just headed back to the barn. Today went much better. Interestingly, trotting to the right, she kept alternating between wanting to break into canter or walk... ANYTHING but the trot. I let her canter around for a little while, but even after that she kept trying to go back to canter. Part of me wanted to let her, because HEY, she's FORWARD, but the other part of me said "no, she's STILL being disrespectful". I listened to voice number two and insisted we just trot. It wasn't like she had SO MUCH energy that she needed to blow off steam, she was actually very polite about breaking to canter, so after I insisted she just trot, we had a very nice time.
We had another day of left-lead difficulty, today... it took me lots of tries to get the left lead. The good news, though, is that I FINALLY got a left lead canter transition with absolutely NO fireworks. She's been very explosive to the left lately, so it was nice that she was very quiet in every single canter transition. During our trot work, we did have a bit of an explosion when she thought she saw something and scooted off, but it was just a minor spook and she settled right back down to work.
We still had a little bit of that stubborn-ness in going forward, but it seems to be getting better. Once my trailer gets back from the shop, I'm hoping to get her over to Bettina.