Disco made new friends yesterday! I tossed her out with Roxi and Casper first, since I was a little worried about Summer. Roxi was first to investigate, and after touching noses for a moment, Disco commenced with the squealing. She squealed at Roxi, she squealed at Casper, she squealed at nothing much in general. As all of this squealing was happening, Disco was exploring the paddock. Roxi quickly decided that she is Disco's new shadow. Maybe it's because she can't really see and Disco is awfully big, so she's hard to miss.
Anyway, after those three had gotten used to one another and were more interested in the hay piles than eachother, I brought Disco in, fed dinner, turned Disco back out and then let Summer loose. Well, just as Summer realized that there was a new horse out with them, Casper and Roxi went charging over to Disco like her little back-up crew, so Summer just said hi and the two began eating from the hay pile (after a totally non-commited squeal from disco).
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