Casper, Roxi and Summer thought she was a totally big deal, and there was some curious through-the-bars sniffing with minor squealing (mostly from Disco) but no striking or otherwise bad behavior. I'm hoping to toss her out with them today, so fingers crossed that all will go well.
Once she got in her stall, she set right to gobbling down her hay - always a good thing. I let her do that for a bit while I unhitched the trailer and got her stuff situated, then I took her out for a mini-tour of the property (a mini-tour because walking up the driveway more closely resembled trekking through the frozen tundra, with very high, totally frigid wind.)
She took everything in stride.
Following our little tour, it was time to introduce her to her new blanket, which she was none to thrilled about. Those hind leg straps were EVIL, and she wanted to teach them a lesson, which meant almost kicking me, which resulted in her getting in trouble. She responded to getting in trouble by squealing at me, throwing a small fit, and then standing like a little soldier while I did up the rest of the blanket. Oh mares. I forgot what divas they can be!
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