Friday, December 24, 2010

Mare-y Christmas!

Christmas Horse Cookies!

I'm a little sad that I only got to see the washington horses for Christmas! Miss Dee is doing very well, though, so that's a good thing. I went up again on Wednesday, and she was quite lovely. Her walk and trot are looking fabulous, and the canter has glimmers of glory. She's weak, so the canter is still hard, but she IS trying. She would get herself into a really nice frame for a few strides, and then she just couldn't hold it anymore. I was VERY glad to see that they aren't pushing the issue, they're letting her do it herself, because when she's ready, I know she'll go where she needs to with her head, she's very good that way and they respect that in her. They did the same thing with the trot work... they have her trotting around on light contact, and she carries herself very nicely.
On another note, I'm pretty sure she's getting bigger. I mentioned in passing that she looks taller, and Garry said he'd been thinking the same thing, but thought that it was just because he saw her everyday. She looks pretty good, though! AAANNDD, while she was trotting around, Garry said that she is very fancy, which just made my day! I mean, I think she's fancy, but I'm biased, because she's my baby, so it's nice to hear someone else say it.
More updates next week!

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