Well, it's official. As of last night, Tango no longer belongs to me. He found a wonderful home in NH where he'll get to rehab at his leisure and then spend his days trail riding and doing minimal flat work. I'm really pleased with the situation he found, but it was still really sad to watch him disappear down the driveway in someone else's trailer. I spent two years training, bonding with and trying to fix this horse, and even though he caused me headache and heartache, I'll still miss him terribly. The silver lining to this, though, is that now I can really start looking for a suitable project. I missed my chance at Suffolk, but I feel confident that I'll find something before long.
I got on Tango for the first time in twelve weeks today.. very exciting. I don't think he's ever been quite so excited to see his bridle - he tried to put the bit AND noseband in his mouth. I sort of half expected him to be a beast when I got on him, but figured it was time. Much to my surprise, he couldn't have been better. We walked for ten minutes on a long rein, and he was perfectly content to just wander around the ring. Maybe now that he's starting work again I'll be able to place him somewhere. I had a lovely wander around equine affaire yesterday. Watched the bruce davidson clinic, did some poking around the breed pavilion and drooled over all the stuff that I can't buy in the other buildings. Tango did, however, get a nice treat out of my visit. Unfortunately, there's not much to update about these days. I do have pictures from today though.