Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Donkey of Death!

Dee and I went for a hack the other day with a very nice woman and her lovely horse Yogi.  We started out across the hay field, heading for the tree line.  As we walked along the trees, suddenly we heard frantic braying from what appeared to be an invisible Donkey.  The poor horses understandably decided that it was, in fact, a horse-eating donkey and they should run for their lives.  Luckily it was pretty easy to get them back on all four feet and walking.  We went all the way around the field, and then decided that since it was so beautiful, we would go around again.  This time, the Donkey (thankfully) didn't call out, but Dee definitely gave the treeline the hairy eyeball.  She's funny about things she thinks are scary, though, because although she did not want to be near the trees and appeared to think the Donkey was going to leap out at her and eat her face, she just gnashed her teeth and bugged her eyes while doing a flat-footed walk on a loose rein.  Good girl, Deedles!

As for the Donkey, I found out that there is a pasture behind the hay field, and there used to be a bunch of pigs there.  The owner bought the Donkey to keep the pigs safe from coyotes.  The pigs have since gone to the market, and the poor Donkey is all by himself.